How to use digital oral presentation rubrics

Grading is probably the one thing all teachers universally dislike. It just takes forever. We have all spent too many evenings to count grading papers. And grading projects using rubrics and providing meaningful feedback can take days to complete.

Then distance learning came along, and poof… you know the rest of that story.

Grading became even more time-consuming. No really, it’s like a gazillion times harder! Instead filling out oral presentation rubrics while watching your students present live, you now have to watch individual Flipgrids, Seesaws, Vocaroos, or a series of other platforms and fill out the presentation rubric on your own time by highlighting each block!

But I think I found a way to shave off some precious time!

I made these series of digital presentation rubrics! There are rubrics for oral presentations and writing. These rubrics were created specifically for Spanish teachers! They are based on the ACTFL rubrics for presentational speaking and writing.

These rubrics are clickable, so you don’t have to type or highlight anything. How easy is that.

How do these digital rubrics work?

When you click on the boxes of the oral and written presentation rubrics, the raw score and percentages will auto-calculate. No math involved!! I don’t know about you, but as a Spanish teacher, that’s my favorite part! =)

oral presentation rubric

I’m guessing it will cut down your grading by a full 60 seconds per assignment.

60 seconds per assignment

x 150 kids = 2.5 hours SAVED!

WOW. What would you do with an extra 2.5 hours.


Once you make your copy or the rubric for oral presentations and writing, change the words “Copy of” to MASTER TEMPLATE.

Each time you assign something that can use one of these digital rubrics, make a copy of the full document and title it RUBRIC FOR ORAL PRESENTATION XYZ. Upload it with the assignment and make sure students turn it in with their work.

Can I just copy and paste the presentation rubric into my project?

I’m glad you asked!

You can do that, but you’ll eliminate all the magic little formulas that do the math for you, rendering this amazing rubric kind of useless.

Can I edit these presentation rubrics?

You sure can! I even made you this handy-dandy video tutorial to teach you how!

Save yourself time grading during distance learning, virtual learning, and hybrid with these FREE digital oral presentation rubrics for Spanish teachers. Use these rubrics with ACTFL proficiency standards to grade Spanish projects & presentations. Free online presentational writing rubrics & presentational speaking rubrics for Spanish students & teachers. Rubrics have check boxes that will auto grade and auto calculate scores when clicked. Created for Google Drive, 1:1 classrooms. #edtech #spanishteachers
