Was the 1997 Kyoto protocol a success? That depends on how you interpret the numbers.
Under the treaty, 38 developed countries signed up to reduce their mean annual greenhouse gas emissions from 2008 to 2012 by an average of 5 per cent relative to 1990 levels. In practice, this meant their collective emissions had to be lower by 1 gigatonne (Gt) of carbon dioxide per year than 1990 levels.
The final emissions figures only became available at the end of last year, with the first assessment based on them published on 10 June.
Although overall global emissions rose, the 38 countries collectively reduced their output by 2 GtCO2 per year from 2008 to 2012 compared with 1990 levels. That makes the treaty sound like a success.
But the emissions of former Soviet states had plummeted before the deal was even signed, meaning a reduction of 2.2 GtCO2 per year cannot be attributed to the protocol. Discount that, and the 38 failed to meet their target.
The US and Canada, however, signed the deal but did not stick with it. If they are excluded, the remaining 36 apparently met their target of a reduction of 0.5 GtCO2 per year, even if the 2.2 Gt cited above are excluded.
However, 10 countries achieved their targets only by buying carbon credits. This means that 0.3 GtCO2 per year of the claimed reductions were not true cuts.
What’s more, emissions in developed countries fell by 1 to 2 GtCO2 per year because of the financial crisis – so without it, the 36 countries might not even have come close to meeting their collective target.
That is not all. Some of the reductions may be due to “carbon leakage”: emissions shifting to developing countries such as China rather than ceasing altogether. Nor does the protocol include the fast-rising emissions from aviation or shipping. And many would argue that the targets were far too modest in the first place.
Despite all this, some have seized on the fact that the numbers show the 36 countries met their targets on paper to claim Kyoto was a success. “Many critics claim that the Kyoto Protocol failed,” wrote Michael Grubb of University College London in an editorial accompanying the study. “The fact that countries have fully complied is highly significant, and it helps to raise expectations for full adherence to the Paris Agreement.”
But as the above analysis by New Scientist shows, this very much depends on how one looks at the figures. “These numbers can be interpreted one way or another,” agrees study author Igor Shishlov of the Institute for Climate Economics in Paris.
Although the figures do suggest that – after discounting the 2.2 Gt emissions drop pre-1997 – the 36 countries would have missed their targets without the financial crisis, he says, we cannot be sure. Without the crisis, countries might have implemented more ambitious climate policies.
And the Kyoto protocol should not be judged on the basis of emissions numbers alone, says Shishlov: it also helped lay the foundations for the Paris climate agreement at the end of last year.
“The Kyoto protocol didn’t make a big dent in global emissions because the largest emitters [the US and China] did not participate,” he points out. “But Paris involves all countries.”
Journal reference: Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2016.1164658