There are two different undergraduate degrees in the College of the Liberal Arts that a student may earn in economics at Penn State. A bachelor of arts (ECLBA) or a bachelor of science degree (ECLBS) in economics. A minor in economics is open to students enrolled in any college. The department offers a program of mentoring for students who want to pursue graduate education in economics (CARE). A departmental honors program provides a small group of outstanding students an opportunity for independent research and close contact with faculty and fellow students.
In order to count a course for any part of the requirements for the major, a grade of C or better must be earned. Students must also take one 3-credit “Writing Across the Curriculum” course and meet the University’s “Intercultural and International Requirement” by completing a GI designated course. The Writing and Diversity courses can also be used to satisfy part of General Education, major, B.A., college, or elective requirements, but the credits for the course can only be counted once.
Starting in Summer 2021, pre-requisites for all ECON courses will be enforced upon registration. Students will not be able to enroll in an ECON course in Lionpath until pre-requisites for that course have been satisfied.
Please note that you can enroll in a course for the next semester if you are currently enrolled in the pre-requisite course. However, if you drop, fail, or withdraw from the pre-requisite class, you will automatically be removed from the course that requires the pre-requisite. This removal may happen at a later date closer to the start of the following semester, and you may need to enroll yourself in additional credits to keep full-time status.
Starting in Summer 2021, pre-requisites for all ECON courses will be enforced upon registration. Students will not be able to enroll in an ECON course in Lionpath until pre-requisites for that course have been satisfied.
Please note that you can enroll in a course for the next semester if you are currently enrolled in the pre-requisite course. However, if you drop, fail, or withdraw from the pre-requisite class, you will automatically be removed from the course that requires the pre-requisite. This removal may happen at a later date closer to the start of the following semester, and you may need to enroll yourself in additional credits to keep full-time status.
Students who complete an undergraduate major in economics will:
Information on the honors code and the college values statement for graduate students available at:
If you have additional questions about the Economics degree programs at Penn State, please contact Honors Adviser Russ Chuderewicz, one of our Undergraduate Academic Advisers, or Undergraduate Staff Assistant Pam Dutko.